Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

letzte Woche Kurse

Müde und krank .........
weil ich eine Menge der Aufgaben der Wirtschafts-, DAB-IT bahasa. Es ist alles sehr viel und hart!
Quiz Ich war nicht guter Wert, ich weiß nicht, was mich davon. Ist es, weil ich viel spielen? Clubbing? Day Dreaming? Bäh ich

verwirrt. Gott helfe mir, ich will meinen letzten erfolgreichen Test und hoffentlich gehen keine Abhilfemaßnahmen und hoffentlich wird alles besser werden. Gott sei Dank!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

new jacket, where i should wear that ?

thats my new jacket i bought at urbie the price very affordable. They sale a good stuff some of their product similiar to some high end boutique you all may known


101 class

at IT's class taking picture and fool around ! haha

My Favorite Christmas Movie

my favorite christmas movie all the time :))


.... Galau .... I always said that if my heart feeling guilty, sad and lost !
.... Galau .... I always "galau" if i've a bad score ( i always get a bad score lately huff -..-" ) and love probs !

Thursday, December 3, 2009

college college

yess now i'm college's student.I already made a friends, they are so totally amaaaziiiiingggg.... love you guys :D. So many things we do and it was a blast......
We have a habit every 2 weeks on thursday we are going to X-Lounge and Vertigo haha it just for fun and get relaxs from hectic schedule haaaahhhh. I also have a photos i'll post it :D